Friday, January 20, 2012

Rio Grande SD9 Patch

I worked on a small project this weekend which was finishing up a patch job on a Rio Grande SD7 or 9 (pretty sure its a 9) I got from a friend recently. The decals are not ready yet, but they will be added later. Also, there were some mishaps with the paint, but those should be fixed soon.

Overall View

Engineer's Side. You can see where some
of the paint came off of the cab when I was
removing the masking tape.

Conductor's Side
End of the long hood

Monday, January 16, 2012

More benchwork

Finished up the peninsula table. Also, I made an addition to the first table.

A view from the front with Table #1 to the left

A view from the back

I have added these cross braces along the bottom of the legs

Right now, they are only on Table #1

Starting the benchwork

I have finished up the first table for the layout. It still has a little work to do to it, but it is basically finished and ready for use

A view from the side of the table

Another view